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Leader-following coordination of multi-agent systems with coupling time delays

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2007 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Authors: Jiangping Hu | Yiguang Hong

Delay-dependent coupling for a multi-agent LTI consensus system with inter-agent delays

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2014 in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena

Authors: Wei Qiao | Rifat Sipahi

Leader-following consensus problem with a varying-velocity leader and time-varying delays

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 2009 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Authors: Ke Peng | Yupu Yang

Partial component consensus of leader-following multi-agent systems via intermittent pinning control

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2019 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11562006,61663006) | Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi, China (2018GXNSFAA281068) | GUET, China (GDYX2019015) | Innovation Project of GUET Graduate Education, China (2018YJCX60) | the Cultivation Project of Excellent Degree Thesis for Graduate Students of GUET, China (2018YJSPY01)

Authors: Zhicheng Zhang | Zhongjun Ma | Yi Wang

L2—L∞ control for leader-following coordination of second-order multi-agent systems

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2009 in Acta Physica Sinica

Authors: 北京航空航天大学,仪器科学与光电工程学院,北京 100083

Leader-following consensus of multi-agent systems with randomly varying nonlinearities and stochastic disturbances under directed switching topologies

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2019 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Research funded by Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (BK20161126,BK20170171) | Graduate Innovation Project of Jiangsu Province, China (KYCX18_1858,KYCX18_1857)

Authors: Xin Sui | Yongqing Yang | Shuai Zhang

Manipulating optical-coupling strength using multi-level systems and media

JOURNAL ARTICLE published May 2007 in Physica Scripta

Authors: Andrzej Janutka

The sampled-data consensus of multi-agent systems with probabilistic time-varying delays and packet losses

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2018 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Research funded by Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (BK20161126,BK20170171) | Graduate Innovation Project of Jiangsu Province (KYCX17-1461)

Authors: Xin Sui | Yongqing Yang | Xianyun Xu | Shuai Zhang | Lingzhong Zhang

Distributed event-triggered protocols with Kx-functional observer for leader-following multi-agent systems

JOURNAL ARTICLE published December 2019 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61703060,61802036,61473061,61522310,71503206,61104104,11601474,11461082) | Opening Fund of Geomathematics Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, PR China (scsxdz2018zd02,scsxdz2018zd04) | Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (2019NQN07) | Southwest Minzu University, PR China (NCET-13-0091) | New Century Excellent Talents in University, China (2017GXNSFBA198179) | Guangxi Natural Science Foundation Project, China (2018KY0214)

Authors: Long Jian | Jiangping Hu | Jun Wang | Kaibo Shi

Fixed-time bipartite consensus of multi-agent systems with disturbances

JOURNAL ARTICLE published February 2019 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61602163,61471163,61673178,61773350) | Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Hubei Province, China (2017CFA034) | Youth Technology Innovation Team of Hubei Province (T201710) | Hubei Provincial Education Department Science and Technology Research Program for Young Talents, China (Q20182503)

Authors: Qun Deng | Jie Wu | Tao Han | Qing-Sheng Yang | Xiu-Shan Cai

Finite-time information consensus for multi-agent systems with fixed and switching topologies

JOURNAL ARTICLE published August 2009 in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena

Authors: Fangcui Jiang | Long Wang

Target-encirclement control of fractional-order multi-agent systems with a leader

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2018 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61304155,11371049)

Authors: Lipo Mo | Xiaolin Yuan | Yongguang Yu

The rotational relaxation time of atom-diatom systems in the dominant coupling limit

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 1971 in Physica

Authors: A. Bjerre

Delay consensus of leader-following multi-agent systems

JOURNAL ARTICLE published 2014 in Acta Physica Sinica

Authors: School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China; | School of Mathematics and Statistics, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou 310012, China

Bipartite consensus for multi-agent systems with antagonistic interactions and communication delays

JOURNAL ARTICLE published April 2018 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61573102) | Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (BK20170019) | China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2014M560377,2015T80483) | Jiangsu Province Six Talent Peaks Project (2015-ZNDW-002)

Authors: Xing Guo | Jianquan Lu | Ahmed Alsaedi | Fuad E. Alsaadi

Sliding mode control for synchronization of Rössler systems with time delays and its application to secure communication

JOURNAL ARTICLE published November 2007 in Physica Scripta

Authors: Chang-Kuo Chen | Jun-Juh Yan | Teh-Lu Liao

Agreement coordination of fractional-order multi-agent systems with reaction–diffusion and persistent disturbances

JOURNAL ARTICLE published July 2019 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Research funded by Beijing Educational Committee Foundation, PR China (KM201910011007,PXM2019_014213_000007) | Beijing Natural Science Foundation, PR China (Z180005) | National Natural Science Foundation of China (61772063)

Authors: Xiaolin Yuan | Lipo Mo | Yongguang Yu

Leader-following exponential consensus of fractional order nonlinear multi-agents system with hybrid time-varying delay: A heterogeneous impulsive method

JOURNAL ARTICLE published September 2017 in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Research funded by Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (BK20161126) | Graduate Innovation Project of Jiangsu Province (KYLX16_0778)

Authors: Fei Wang | Yongqing Yang

Übergangsstrahlung von dünnen Silberschichten

JOURNAL ARTICLE published January 1965 in physica status solidi (b)

Authors: U. Bürker | W. Steinmann

Optical absorption by atomically doped carbon nanotubes under strong atom–field coupling

JOURNAL ARTICLE published March 2007 in Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures

Authors: I.V. Bondarev | B. Vlahovic